First Trip to the Beach

"I got this leg of the trip after this bottle"

"Mom I said shotgun first"

"Are we there yet?"

"Can I have funnel cake?"

Our view from our balcony - SeaWatch

Interior view of our place

Girls loved the kiddy pool

Daddy and his girl <3< h1>

"This is the life"

"This water toy seems salty"

"Man is it hot out here"

"What is all this brown grainy stuff?"

"So this is sand...its weird"

My fingers are all sandy now

"Oh hello everybody"

"Who needs lunch when I have mommy's finger"

"Well that's a silly toy"

"Look at me! I make a funny face mommy"

Having fun with our girls

"Ooh a bucket"

"I can put things in this..."

"...or dump all the water out."

Sunbathing indoors

"How's my tan?"



Couldn't handle all the fun

Pool fun with Gammy

splash splash!

"The ground is slippery Gammy"

"Where you taking me now..."

"...oooh I'm in the air!"

First they were sitting nicely and behaving... Liv rolls into her sister and Juls tries to bite her butt


Secret sister talk

Pure sisterly love

"My sister tastes good"


I have very fond memories growing up and having Ocean City to go to every summer for a family vacation. I was very excited to be able to introduce the beach to the girls for the first time.

Sandy 23.07.2013 15:58

The girls were such great little troopers, especially on the boardwalk... loved it!

Pauline 23.07.2013 15:18

so much fun!!!!

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Latest comments

07.01 | 12:46

Yes! We will truly miss her when the school year is over.

07.01 | 03:00

Not to mention their awesome teacher! #proudpapa

05.09 | 20:36

Chris, your writing is beautiful! Some day you will be able to give this blog to your girls and they will love it! You are such a great mom! Keep on writing!

04.09 | 12:50

Yes indeed, written very well... kudos for getting the point across without being jaded by your experiences!