The Adventures of the Twin Princesses

Former Baltimore Ravens Todd Heap had donated enough money to the pediatric ER at Franklin Square to have it named after him. Neat. Wish I didn't have to know that first hand.


We learned the hard way just how quickly Olivia can roll. The split second it took for me to let go of her to tend to her sister was just enough time for Liv to roll right off the couch and right onto the very thin rug that covers the hard wood floor in the living room. The sound of her head hitting the floor is permanently implanted into my brain.


Those instant screams is something no parent ever wants to encounter Sad It's heartbreaking. I don't think I could have held her any tighter. Mommy is here. No need to worry baby girl. 


I guess there is no longer a need to practice that "Mother of the Year" speech.  June Cleaver would never have dropped her child. Carol Brady would have made sure her carpet was thicker, shag even. What would Claire Huxtable have done? Rosanne Conner's kids turned out ok...right?


Once Olivia calmed down, she seemed fine, relaxed, back to normal. I was no longer concerned until she started getting drowsy. It was during the evening hours but she never gets sleepy until later in the night. The minute we could no longer arouse her awake the panic set in. She wouldn't even wake up to a light slap on the cheek. We called Patient First since it was closer and they advised us to take her to the ER. Todd Heap, thank you for your support.


Thankfully Liv began to wake up on the ride over. I sat in the back with her to talk to her. She began to giggle and slowly was coming to and back to her normal giddy self.


The drive to the ER seemed like it took hours, in reality it only took minutes. I am truly thankful for how close we live to medical help. Fortunately the wonderful doctors were able to get to her quickly and confirmed she was ok and didn't need radiology. It was also nice to know that the doctors recommend rest for head trauma to allow the brain to rest. They no longer believe in the "you need to stay awake to avoid coma" phenom. 


We came home and continued our normal evening routine and got the girls into bed after their evening feed. I know we aren't the only parents to deal with a fall and I know we aren't the last. However, this information never makes it easy to handle. I don't think I've cried so much for even my own injuries. I love you Liv, Mommy is sorry. 

Morgan 24.06.2013 02:58

You are a great Mommy. Maybe even a modern day June Cleaver...raising twin babies and holding down a full time job while doing all house stuff. Where'sthat cape

Jamie 23.06.2013 18:42

It's life. It's how you react to it that makes a difference. You monitored her and as soon as you saw a problem you took action. GREAT JOB! Feel better Liv!

Christine 23.06.2013 20:16

Thanks :)

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07.01 | 12:46

Yes! We will truly miss her when the school year is over.

07.01 | 03:00

Not to mention their awesome teacher! #proudpapa

05.09 | 20:36

Chris, your writing is beautiful! Some day you will be able to give this blog to your girls and they will love it! You are such a great mom! Keep on writing!

04.09 | 12:50

Yes indeed, written very well... kudos for getting the point across without being jaded by your experiences!