The Muellers

Every baby develops at different rates. Twins are no exception. It's amazing to me just how different Olivia and Juliana really are. While they share some similarities when it comes to their mannerisms, they truly are like night and day. This page is dedicated to their journey as they grow up.

As of 1/6/17 the girls are 4 years old and as independent as you can get. Their favorite phrase is "I can do it."  They are constantly learning and growing and always get super excited when they do something on their own for the first time. We cannot be prouder of what tiny little ladies they have become.

Monthly/Annual Stats

CURRENT STATS [AS OF 1/6/17] -- as of right now both girls are pushing the 40lb mark. We will be making their 4 year check up in the near future.

3 Years

Olivia: 37 lbs (90th percentile); 38 inches (75th percentile)

Juliana: 34 lbs; 37 inches (reached 3ft in height) (around the 50th percentile for both)

2 Years

Olivia: 31 lbs; 36 1/2 inches  (reached 3 ft in height)

Juliana: 29 lbs 11oz; 35.25 inches

18 Months (actually 19 Months)

Olivia: 28 lbs 6.5 oz; 34 inches long; 48 cm head

Juliana: 27 lbs 10oz; 32 inches long; 47 cm head

15 Months

Olivia: 25lbs 13 oz; 32 3/4 inches long; 48 cm head

Juliana: 25lbs 7oz; 30 1/2 inches long; 46 cm head

12 Months

Olivia: 24lbs 13oz; 31 1/2 inches long; 48 cm head

Juliana: 24lbs 2.5oz; 29 1/2 inches long; 46 cm head


9 Months

Olivia: 22lbs 7.5oz; 29 1/2 inches long; 48cm head

Juliana: 21lbs 11.5oz; 28 inches long; 46cm head

6 Months

Olivia: 18lbs 15oz; 28 1/2 inches long; 44cm head

Juliana: 18 lbs; 25 1/2 inches long; 42.5cm head

4 Months (they reached the 2 ft mark in height)

Olivia: 15lbs 12oz; 25 3/4 inches long; 42cm head

Juliana: 14lbs 6oz; 24 1/2 inches long; 40.5cm head


2 Months

Olivia: 12lbs 3.5 oz ; 23 inches long; 39cm head

Juliana: 10lbs 6oz; 21 3/4 inches long; 37.5cm head

Olivia Noelle

It seems as though Ms. Olivia had complete control of her head from day one. Born at 6lbs13oz she has always been larger than her sister.

First Smile: 2 months

First grasp: 3 months

Noticed her hands/feet: 3 months (although by 4 months she is fully enamored by her feet and constantly sticks her hands in her mouth)

First laugh: 4 months

First "mini-pushup" (leans on forearms during tummy time): 3/4 months

First roll over: 4 months back to belly

First bite of cereal: 4 months

First real solids (veggies & fruit): 5 months

First time sitting up: 6 months

Army crawl: 7 months

crawl to sit position: 8 months

sippy cup: 8 months

full on crawl - 8 months

pulling self up to standing position - 8 months

Walking holding on - 10 months

Dancing - 10 months

waving - 10 months

Giving high five - 11 months

Standing alone - 11 months

First tooth - 11 months

First word - apple sauce (11 months)

Walking on own - 12 months

Running - 14 months

feeding self with spoon/fork: 14 months

Jumping - 15 months

Juliana Marie

While her sister had almost complete neck control from day one, it seems as though Ms. Juliana has been ready to stand the minute she was born. Her legs are very strong and she will stand on your lap any chance she can get. As long as you put her in a standing position and hold her armpits she can stand for hours. She will definitely be my more mobile child in the future.

First Smile: 2 months

First grasp: 3 months

Noticed her hands/feet: closer to 4 months

First laugh: 3 months

First "mini-pushup" (leans on forearms during tummy time): 4 months

First roll over: 4 months (both back to tummy and tummy to back; she did back to tummy first); although she has been trying oh so very hard to accomplish this since she was 3 months.

First bite of cereal: 4 months

First time sitting up:  6 months

First real solids (veggies & fruit): 5 months

Crawl: 9 months

sippy cup: 8 months

crawl position to sitting - 8 months

Walking holding on - 10 months

Dancing - 10 months

waving - 10 months

Giving high five - 11 months

Standing alone - 11 months

First tooth - 10 months

First word - Kitty Cat (14 months)

Walking on own - 13 months

Running - 14 months

feeding self with spoon/fork: 14 months

Jumping - 15 months

Latest comments

07.01 | 12:46

Yes! We will truly miss her when the school year is over.

07.01 | 03:00

Not to mention their awesome teacher! #proudpapa

05.09 | 20:36

Chris, your writing is beautiful! Some day you will be able to give t...

04.09 | 12:50

Yes indeed, written very well... kudos for getting the point across wit...